Standardize Variables

Standardize Variables command transforms variables using selected normalization method. The command can be used to make variables comparable to each other.

How To

Run: Data → Standardize Variables...

Select variables. Each variable is scaled separately.

Select a standardization (normalization) method.

o   Subtract the mean and divide by the standard deviation – computes standard or z-scores for a variable. Standard score is a scaled variable that has a mean of zero and a standard deviation of one.

o   Subtract the mean – computes a scaled variable that has a mean of zero.

o   Divide by the standard deviation – computes a scaled variable that has a standard deviation of one.

o   Subtract A and divide by B – computes a scaled variable . B must not be equal to zero.

o   Range from A to B – brings all variable values into the range [A,B] (performs simplest feature scaling).  B must be greater than A.